Sebastien Phlix

Hi there, stranger 👋
What you’ll find on this website:


  • I consume a lot of content about product management, leadership, and entrepreneurship. I find ~10% of it so valuable that I take notes to change my behavior based on what I learned. The result is a list of 300+ articles & talks, including all my notes. Check it out.

  • People often ask me for book recommendations, so I compiled my ~50 favorite books and classified them by topic. Check it out.

Essays about product management

What I can help you with

Want to get in touch?

Me in 10 seconds

  • Most people call me Seb. Currently, I’m a senior product manager at Alan in Barcelona. Previously, I’ve managed products at N26 and Typeform.

  • I believe that if we focus on the customer, all the rest will follow.

  • In my spare time I read, listen to music all the time, work out with bodyweight exercises, and travel as much as I can.

  • Thanks for stopping by 😊